Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas 2008

We are so happy to have Spenser home with us for the holidays. We are sorry that Paul couldn't come as well, but after a few Christmas holidays just the two of us, it is great to have him home with us

I of course had to attempt to dress up the dogs in their holiday costumes. Greta was pretty open to the entire thing, but Gus turned and tried to bite me when I tried to reach through the arm of the Santa suit and pull his leg through. I gave up. But Greta was quite happy to parade around for us in her little Mrs. Clause outfit.

Tom cooked a fantastic roast beef, with the infamous Julia Child scalloped potato receipe.
We drove to the neighborhood in town with the fantastic Christmas light display and then to the Waterway to see the fountains and lighted path.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Happy 25th Anniversary

25 years of marriage!
We went out to dinner at Perry's Steakhouse.
We had a very delicious dinner together. It was fun to reminisce about our twenty five years of marriage.
Tom gave me a beautiful necklace at dinner. I gave him a new Ipod.
We struggled with taking pictures when we got home. I couldn't find the remote control for the camera and so I ended up using cardboard boxes stacked on top of each other in lieu of a tripod. I couldn't get a picture with my eyes open.

I am looking forward to the next 25 years!

I am a lucky woman.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Hurricane Ike

The storm was extremely scary and the aftermath without power for 5 days.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Purple Passion

Eggplant from life on canvas panel

Friday, September 12, 2008

Waiting for Ike

We are hunkered down, awaiting the storm. It is pretty windy, but the rain has not started yet. I don't think we are going to get the force of things until around 5 am. I am trying to decide if I should sleep on the floor in the closet (as the weather service suggests) or just go to bed and wait to be awakened by the storm and it heads into our area. I suspect we are going to get a lot of wind and tree's down. I sure hope we don't lose power. I did down load Curb your Enthusiasm to my Iphone to watch in case of power loss. Everyone took time today to do their preparation. It is so strange and such a long waiting period.

Anderson Cooper from CNN is reporting live from downtown Houston tonight. This storm is big news, and will be really bad when we see tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Here We Go Again - Ike is Approaching

This one seems to be heading closer to our neck of the woods. Time to get ready, and hunker down.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Gus the Snake Killer

Gus the little terrier that is is, killed one of these guys that had managed to slither into our yard from the reserve behind the house. With only an iron fence between us and the great outdoors, we have various wildlife visiting from time to time.

It is a Diamondback Water Snake. Non poisonous, thank goodness for all of us. We heard a big commotion in the yard in the afternoon, with very strange sounds coming from beneath a tree. More than the usual barking at something in the woods. Tom rushed out to find Gus going at it with the snake.

I managed to get Gus and Greta(who had come out to investigate) back inside. The many dollars of dog training -"drop it" did pay off. I corralled the dogs inside, while Tom got his long reach pick up tongs to pick it up and out of the yard. We worried that it might be a poisonous snake, and that Gus could have been bitten. We quickly pulled out the Texas Snakes Field Guide. Pretty useless book, to find a quick ID or indexing for identification, especially when Tom had quickly gotten rid of the snake into the woods behind the house. I did see the "yellow underbelly" so we continued to try and figure it out. It was quite long.

Tom finally figured it out and we were releaved to learn that it was harmless although quite an adventure.

We still have not seen the armadillo that is visiting the back yard at night, turning over the soil. It probably knows not to cross over the fence until late at night. I would prefer not to run into it myself.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Tom Petty Show

Tom Petty came to town. I had to have one of those horrible frozen fake margarita's. They were over $10.00 each and in a really stupid long plastic glass, that you have to hold as it would fall over. Probably to get you to drink fast and have more.

Show was great, fantastic seats, Steve Winwood opened.
Tom Petty was great and it was so much fun.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Storm Watch

We are watching this storm as it could hit anywhere along the coast. Tom sure thinks I am silly for getting gas in the car and buying water.
I will be keeping the weather tracking up on my computer for the next few days.

Monday, August 25, 2008

London 2012 - Sure Looks Cheesy

I couldn't believe how terrible the "London Bus" hand off was at the closing ceremonies in Beijing.
It is impossible to follow what the Chinese did, but driving out in the little bus with the spinning umbrellas with Jimmy Page of all people. What were they thinking?

It looked like something from the local 4th of July Parade.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Wildlife in Suburbia

My neighbor Toni forwarded this to me. She lives around the corner, in a patio home with a small yard with neighbors on all sides with fencing all around. She was surprised to see this deer in her back yard. It had jumped a 6 ft iron fence on the side. By the look of its ribs, it must be hungry.

We are having a nightly visit by an armadillo, but I have yet to see it. The back beds have all been turned over, but not other damage to the plants. I asked our neighbor James (he is all Texan, and knows all about such things) as to what might be causing this type of digging, and he confirmed it would be armadillo. Seems they are looking for worms, grubs and other crawly things under the top layer of dirt. Since it has been so dry, they are coming up from the creek that runs behind our house. I was surprised that they can get through the iron fence, but he said they can. They must be very quiet as Gus and Greta have not been on guard to any intruders in the yard at night. I would like to see it, but it also might be a bit scary if encountered.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

8 for 8 Phelps Did It!

I was skeptical that he would do it, having to rely on a team, but WOW!!!!

Phelps did it. You have to be in awe of his accomplishment!
Way to go!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Take a Chance on Me

How can you not feel like singing along to this?

Talk about Public Service

Today in the blotter in the local paper our tax dollars at work

- The WFD was dispatched to a service call at 58 West Palmer Bend. Truck 104 responded non emergency with 4 from District 4. Arrived on location. The home owner has a CO detector in the living room that has been chirping for a couple of days. She is unable to change the batteries and wishes the fire department to assist her. The sofa in the living room was moved, the home owners ladder was used to access the detector. The batteries she had bought were incorrect. She did not wish us to put the detector back up, she would have someone come and put up a new detector tomorrow. There were 2 other CO detectors in the home.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Little Lost Dog Update


Owner found. They finally called after 4 days.

Lola is back home with owner.

While driving home tonight I saw a mini Schnauzer running down the street. I stopped to see if it had tags. The dog came right up to me, had a collar, but no tags. She is obviously someones pet, so I did what I would want someone to do for me. I opened the car door, she jumped in. I took her over to my neighbors to see if he knew the dog. He didn't but he said he would keep her while we tried to find the owner. I put up about 50 found dog signs around the trails, but so far no one has called.

I hope someone calls soon or we will have to take the dog to the shelter.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Michael Phelps

Michael Phelps
Originally uploaded by shareatt1

While I am in awe of his ability, what is the deal with his teeth? His front teeth look too small. It certainly isn't for lack of cash. In most of his professional shots, he keeps the mouth closed, looking serious. But the minute he speaks or smiles, all I can do is look at the teeth.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Bernie Mac has passed

Originally uploaded by fatgirl52

RIP Bernie

Bernie Mac was always a source of jokes among us. I failed to see the magic of Mr. Mac. I would immediately change the channel if there was a hint of Bernie to be found. We heard the news this morning while on route to the gym. I wonder if the tributes will come close to the coverage for Tim Russert? By the time we returned, we had emails from my brother, and a phone call from Spenser.

Friday, August 8, 2008


Originally uploaded by pmt007

I can't believe the opening ceremony for the Olympics. It was truly amazing. The precision, and scope of the performance was unreal. Of course 300 million dollars is a lot of money to spend. Some could argue it could be used to help rebuild from the earthquake, but wow. Even the broadcast in HD didn't do it justice, our screen wasn't 250 feet lcd. I don't think Sam's Club has one that big. Now on to the serious business of swimming and beach volleyball (Tom's favorite) and trying to figure out the schedule of events.

Your Monkeys are Dead

Squirrel monkey
Originally uploaded by floridapfe

Overheated Nevada lab caused deaths of 32 monkeys

SPARKS, NEV. — Thirty-two research monkeys at a Nevada laboratory died because human errors made the room too hot, officials for the drug company that runs the lab said Thursday. Animal rights activists complain the company took too long to report the deaths.

My best friend had pet monkeys as a kid. They were actually
her brothers. We recently talked about it, and was shocked to hear they were loose in her house, hanging from doorways, pooping in her brother's room. Knowing her mother, I was shocked that this was allowed to happen. Then when they went on vacation, they received the bad news that their monkeys were dead. We never knew the true story of what happened.

I also remember visiting Meyerland Plaza as a kid, where the organ grinder and his monkey collected quarters from small children outside Woolworth's with a tip of his hat.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

The Other End of the Work Day

After sitting for 9 hours at the computer in my non ergonomic office set up, there is a reward at the end of the day. The cramped shoulders were rewarded with a swim and a soak in the spa. When Tom works late, I can blast my Abba's greatest hits from the outdoor speakers letting the tension soak away.

I am not sure what I can stir up for dinner. Popcorn and coffee ice cream is an option, but there must be a veggie burger and some sort salad fixings deep in the reaches of the refrigerator. I know there is wine in the back of the shelf......

Then to start a new painting attempt and watch Kathie Griffin and Ace of Cakes. I love watching the extreme creations that Duff and team make and it seems like they have so much fun at work. Although I can't imagine that the cakes actually taste good. I would hate to spend that kind of money on one, and then watch it be eaten. But they are amazing.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Poor Gus

We had about 5 days of relief for the poor dog. The licking of the feet due to allergies in summer in Texas lead to moist conditions=yeast. I tried a restricted collar, supposed to be more humane, in that supposedly just goes around the neck, but doesn't block their view, but he was able to reach to the back foot so now we are back to the vet and another $150.00 worth of tests, shots, and meds.

Typical day

My usual work area. Bad I know. Calcium chews, a very lame substitute for chewy caramels kept by my work blackberry. They aren't with the program with the Iphone, so during the week I am still carrying two devices, but boy are my bones getting strong!

My daily vitamin and pill intake has required me to go with the extra large daily pill minder.

In the local drugstore they have versions in english and spanish.

Dud Tropical Storm

Funny how the local weather teams were having to show a puddle while
on location as the storm was not as expected, and coverage should
have been scaled back.

Tom thought it particularly funny that I was rushing around in advance pulling in all the plants and lawn furniture outside that could become projectiles.

I remember as a kid in Houston, Hurricane Carla coming our way. Mother was the life of the party and threw a hurricane party for the neighbors. Plenty of cocktails, and snacks heated up with sterno under chaffing dishes. I remember the next door neighbors wrapping their kid up in a blanket to brave the storm home. I suppose being half in the bag might be a good way to ride out a Cat 4 hurricane

But my mother was crazy, and thought that if we hid in the cedar closet, we would be protected from nuclear weapons shot our way, so a little cocktail party with 75 mph winds seemed perfectly normal.

Having spent 35 years in earthquake zone, it certainly is a welcome concept that here near the gulf coast, one can prepare for the natural disaster heading our way. No longer have the fear of being awakened to the house coming down around you.

The earthquake kit was easily transformed into the Hurricane Kit. When I pulled it down from the shelf in the garage, I found bottles of water labeled Y2K. I was prepared for that potential disaster as well. I had to laugh that we moved the water from California, kept it in storage for 6 months as well. I hated to pour the stale stuff out. It was worth it's weight in gold.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Pepper Practice

This is from life, a practice pepper on canvas board

Friday, May 30, 2008


This was painted from a magazine photo on canvas and is 16 x 24

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Apple for Teacher

This is oil on canvas panel. I attempted this from life, with an apple in a box.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Lemon Bounty

Painted this from a photo.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Pear and Grapes

From a distance this looks much better.  The grapes in the photo look strange, but I continue to try

Friday, April 25, 2008

Homage to Pears

Learning to paint, I copied this from the cover of a cooking magazine.  Oil on canvas

Friday, April 11, 2008

Red Radish

This was my first oil painting. It is oil on canvas. Copied from a cover of Cooks Magazine