Sunday, September 7, 2008

Gus the Snake Killer

Gus the little terrier that is is, killed one of these guys that had managed to slither into our yard from the reserve behind the house. With only an iron fence between us and the great outdoors, we have various wildlife visiting from time to time.

It is a Diamondback Water Snake. Non poisonous, thank goodness for all of us. We heard a big commotion in the yard in the afternoon, with very strange sounds coming from beneath a tree. More than the usual barking at something in the woods. Tom rushed out to find Gus going at it with the snake.

I managed to get Gus and Greta(who had come out to investigate) back inside. The many dollars of dog training -"drop it" did pay off. I corralled the dogs inside, while Tom got his long reach pick up tongs to pick it up and out of the yard. We worried that it might be a poisonous snake, and that Gus could have been bitten. We quickly pulled out the Texas Snakes Field Guide. Pretty useless book, to find a quick ID or indexing for identification, especially when Tom had quickly gotten rid of the snake into the woods behind the house. I did see the "yellow underbelly" so we continued to try and figure it out. It was quite long.

Tom finally figured it out and we were releaved to learn that it was harmless although quite an adventure.

We still have not seen the armadillo that is visiting the back yard at night, turning over the soil. It probably knows not to cross over the fence until late at night. I would prefer not to run into it myself.

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