Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Wildlife in Suburbia

My neighbor Toni forwarded this to me. She lives around the corner, in a patio home with a small yard with neighbors on all sides with fencing all around. She was surprised to see this deer in her back yard. It had jumped a 6 ft iron fence on the side. By the look of its ribs, it must be hungry.

We are having a nightly visit by an armadillo, but I have yet to see it. The back beds have all been turned over, but not other damage to the plants. I asked our neighbor James (he is all Texan, and knows all about such things) as to what might be causing this type of digging, and he confirmed it would be armadillo. Seems they are looking for worms, grubs and other crawly things under the top layer of dirt. Since it has been so dry, they are coming up from the creek that runs behind our house. I was surprised that they can get through the iron fence, but he said they can. They must be very quiet as Gus and Greta have not been on guard to any intruders in the yard at night. I would like to see it, but it also might be a bit scary if encountered.

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